Blue Gemstones: Meaning, Benefits, and Healing Properties

By Gemexi Team | Gemstone Healing
  • Updated On Jul 24, 2024
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Blue Gemstones: Meaning, Benefits, and Healing Properties

Blue is the primary color of the earth. The blue crystal brings hope, trust, and authenticity and gives the intuition of wisdom, communication, and awareness. It connects with Neptune and mars and is associated with the throat chakra.

Why Healing Gemstones are important In Our Life?

Gemstones are the way to connect, heal and move with a purpose in life. Crystals guide and protect us through negative energies. These tiny and shiny pieces of rocks are full of life-giving energies and the power to show a better and brighter way. These crystals come in thousands of colors and names and with endless energies. Crystals drive life peaceful, Relaxed, and balanced when we use these in the right way. There are some particular ways to energize, clean, and manifest with healing gemstones.

Benefits and Meaning Of Blue Gemstone

  1. Physical Healing Of Blue Gemstone

The stones are associated with the throat chakra means which is the healer of the mouth, neck, throat, and shoulder. Bluestones can be a miracle for headaches, migraines, and tension, and reduces neck and shoulder pain, cold, cough, and fever.
  1. Throat chakra healing

The Throat chakra is the fifth chakra of our body and sits in the center of our neck. This place comes into use in our daily life to communicate with everyone. And when this chakra is get blocked for any reason then we get irritated because we feel uncomfortable communicating with anyone. An open throat chakra makes us feel comfortable and clear from inside to outside. This provides confidence, clarity, and balance in life.
  1. Blue Crystals For Relationships

In a relationship, communication is very important, so the blue stone crystals and throat chakra play a huge role in the relationship. As these dark blue crystals make you able to speak the truth and are honest and these two things make your relationship better in any condition. Light blue stone brings peace to the relationship and helps you in tune with your partner and adds more intuition to your connections.

Top 8 Blue Gemstones/Crystals To Use Every Day

Apatite Gemstone -  This Blue-green gemstone helps to remove the emotional traumas of the mind. Apatite gemstones are considered relaxing and refreshing gemstones. This stone removes the negative thoughts, it helps to make a stable positive mind. Find out more about the Apatite gemstone.

Aquamarine Gemstone - This ocean green and blue color gemstone is cool and restoring. This cool gemstone is so useful for throat infections and thyroid. It also helps in overcoming the fear of public speaking and stage fear. Find out more about the Aquamarine gemstone.

Azurite Gemstone - This deep blue energy is associated with the third eye chakra. It gives grace to the wearer in all segments of life. This stone is known as "The stone of heaven" because it is believed by the ancient Chinese that azurite stones connect them to heavenly bodies. Find out more about the Azurite gemstone.

Kyanite Gemstone - This stone is considered the best gemstone for meditation and peace of mind. The blue and blue-green shade of kyanite stone is transparent and attractive. Kyanite is also known as disthene and cyanite. The energy of kyanite stone helps in unblocking the energy of block chakras and gives you the power of truth, relaxation, and flexibility. Find out more about the kyanite gemstone.

Lapis Lazuli Gemstone - The dark blue crystal comes in semi-precious stones. This is the stone of wisdom and truth. It cleanses and purifies the body and opens up clogged chakras, especially throat and brow chakras. Find out more about the lapis lazuli gemstone.

Larimar Gemstone - This blue water beauty is beneficial for high blood pressure, fever, infection, skin disorders, burns, and inflammation. Larimar is honored with the title of " the blue stone of Atlantis" because of its wavy texture. Find out more about the Larimar gemstone.

Blue Sapphire Gemstone - Sapphire is one mostly used gemstones used in jewelry. The color of sapphire is cornflower blue and is known as cornflower blue sapphire or Kashmir sapphire. Blue sapphire has therapeutic values for thyroid, communication, nervous system, and blood disorders. Find out more about the Sapphire gemstone.

Blue Turquoise Gemstone - The stone of strength, fatigue, panic attacks, and depression. The word turquoise is taken from french, which means Turkish stone. It is a stone of protection and strength and soothes while keeping it in hand. Find out more about the turquoise gemstone.

Blue Gemstones: Meaning, Benefits, And Healing Properties

Write Comments
  • Lucas
    Jul 23, 2022, 8:25:28 AM

    I like bluestones when I knew about their healing properties. This blog helped to explore my knowledge about blue gemstones. Nice! a blog for reading and gaining information.

  • shira calone
    Aug 6, 2022, 9:07:53 AM

    Thank You, Gemexi, for sharing this informative blog. I have got wonderful facts about the Blue gemstone. But does this gemstone helpful in headaches? Because I have been facing the headache issue for a long time. So if anyone can help me with how can I use Blue gemstone in headaches?

  • anniem
    Aug 22, 2022, 6:32:01 AM

    Yes, I have faced the same problem. and I'll suggest to you that Bluestones are a miracle for headaches. You can use Agate gemstone for tension, Aquamarine gemstone to heal your mind.

  • Nimsi
    Nov 15, 2022, 10:32:23 AM

    Blue gemstone looks attractive. It grabs the viewer's attention because of its shine.

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