Bumble Bee Loose Gemstone Collection

Bumble Bee loose gemstone is a type of Jasper made of calcium carbonate mineral with slight presence of arsenic and manganese oxide. There are bands and layers on the stone that resembles a bumblebee and hence the name. These bands and layers are caused due to the presence of sulfur, calcium, Aragonite, Orpiment, Realgar and Pyrite.

Loose Bumble Bee gemstone has been recently discovered. It was first mined in the 1990s from Indonesia. It is an extremely rare stone that hasn’t been found in any other part of the world.

Metaphysical Properties of Natural Bumble Bee Gemstone    

Just like the ‘buzzing’ energy of a bee, a natural loose Bumble Bee stone energies the mind, body, and soul. It is a stone that dispels negative energies and helps keep up the positive and upbeat attitude of a wearer. It also keeps daily stress nodes at bay and encourages a wearer to become more spiritual. Many times we tend to suppress our natural instincts and potential because of societal pressures. A loose Bumble Bee stone encourages us to be our true self and live our potential best life. 

Buy Loose Bumble Bee Stone    

If you are looking for these rare stones, you have come to the right place. At Gemexi, we have an incredible collection of wholesale loose Bumble Bee stones just for you. Don’t miss the loose Bumble Bee for sale at our store. The loose Bumble Bee sale is live now – just for you! Place your orders now!
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