Scenic Dendritic Agate

Scenic Dendritic Agate - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

‘The stone of platitude’ is what Dendritic Agate is known for; it is substantially colorless, but also found in white, or gray with a tree or fern-like fringes. These fringes or inclusions may either be of iron or of magnesium. Less commonly seen Dendritic Agate is of a combination of green Tree Agates with white dendrites.  As its name Scenic Dendritic Agate, they are seen with a landscape like metaphors throughout the nodes.  Dendritic Agate, sometimes called Tree Agate is one of the varieties of Chalcedony with bands (one of the minerals found in quartz family), it is strictly not an Agate in scientific terms but is included in the Agate family. It gets its signature name from a Greek word meaning tree-like.

A Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus discovered the stone along the shoreline of the river Achates now called Diallo in Sicily, between the 3rd and 4th  centuries BC over 3,000 years ago.  It is known historically that an agate artifact has been discovered by Neolithic people. Agate sparked a world prominent stone cutting and polishing industry in Germany that develop in a vigorous way in 15th and burgeon even today.

Where is Scenic Dendritic Agate found?

 Belonging to the Chalcedony family this quartz (Dendritic Agate) comes in a wide range of colors ranging from, red, orange, yellow, and browns to clear quartz. It is often diversified and banded likeClear Quartz with green and brown inclusions. Green is a color of hope and healing so it let go of bitterness and anger, especially in relationships. Brown is the color of stability and grounding in Earth it fosters feelings of expansion, freedom, and space.

Healing Properties

Dendritic Agate Healing Properties

Dendritic Agate is ideal for introspection or soul-searching of self, it helps to focus on our forethought imposed limitations and patterns that make up one's life experiences. It is a helpful amulet for those involved in therapy, contemplation, rebirthing, step up programs, or any path of staid work that requires a day-to-day behavioral change necessary to achieve desired results.

  • Physical Healing Energy

Dendritic Agate is beneficial in healing skeletal disorders, treating nerve pain and conditions of the nervous system, and stimulating veins and nerves in the circulatory system. Agate is mostly beneficial to people born under the precursor of Gemini as Dendritic Agate is helpful to the heart and blood vessels  it helps people to remain calm and focused.

To heal emotional disharmony which prevents the acceptance of love one should wear Dendritic Agate in the middle of the chest which helps to strengthen the cardiac muscles too. Those who suffer from stress and inner tension are advised to wear this stone as it also helps in alleviating the back pain. It proves to be beneficial in gastric disorders and other digestive system issues, it gives relieve from stomach, uterus, intestines and skin disorders.

  • Emotional Healer

Agate is believed to encourage honesty and discern truth, foster love and help to accept circumstances, it is said to be a powerful emotional healer. It brings good luck and assists in overcoming emotional strain or boundary violations by awarding generosity, security, persuasiveness, as well as agreeability.

  • Spiritual Energy Healer

Dendritic Agate links the collective consciousness in life and raises awareness in accord. It encourages seeing an individual’s reflection and quiet contemplation of one's life experiences which then leads to spiritual growth and inner stability.

It is a stone to help heal the Earth so it encourages the acceptance of one's origin and the connection to the natural states of the universe.

  • Chakra Healer and Energy Balancer

Dendritic Agate cleansing effect is powerful at all levels it transforms  and eliminates the negative energies furthermore stabilizes the aura. It stimulates the Root Chakra and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement which in turn gives strength and stamina to the body.

Dendritic Agate controls how we think which leads to independence and spontaneous leadership and the way we respond to the world around. Dendritic Agate is also known as Tree Agate is associated with the Heart Chakra so helps us to understand our needs and emotions clearly and resolve blockages of failures of emotional relationships.

Scenic Dendritic Agate Facts

Some facts about Scenic Dendrite Agate

  • Testimony proves that these gemstones were used by Stone Age men of Western Europe in 20000 BC to 16000 BC.
  • Dendritic Agate is considered to be a best gemstone for women who are pregnant as it is said to protect the mother and the child.


Metaphysical Properties

Agates belong to the silicate group variation of quartz (silica) known as chalcedony. Time and again Dendritic Agate is cut into thin plates, and also found as natural tumbled stones. On Moh’s scale, the hardness of the stone varies from 6.5 to 7

Scenic Dendritic Agate In News

Scenic Dendritic Agate Color

 Belonging to the Chalcedony family this quartz (Dendritic Agate) comes in a wide range of colors ranging from, red, orange, yellow, and browns to clear quartz. It is often diversified and banded like clear Quartz with green and brown inclusions. Green is a color of hope and healing so it let go of bitterness and anger, especially in relationships. Brown is the color of stability and grounding on Earth it fosters feelings of expansion, freedom, and space.

  • Cleavage
  • Other Names
  • Crystal HabitCryptocrystalline silica
  • StreakWhite
  • Refractive Index1.535-1.539
  • DiaphaneityTranslucent
  • Mohs scale (hardness)6.5-7
  • SourcesIdar-Oberstein, Germany, Mexico, Brasil, Australia, USA, and Morocco
  • Chemical formulaSiO2
  • LustreVitreous
  • ColorColorless, white or whitish gray with green, brown or black insertions
  • Chakra HealingRoot or base chakra
  • BirthstoneMay
  • Zodiacgemini
Write Comments
  • John
    Mar 31, 2015, 2:33:42 AM

    this gemstone is referred to as emotional i was also suffering from the same issue..should i go for it? please suggest..

  • Sara
    May 27, 2015, 12:39:53 AM

    hi may try Scenic Dendritic will definitely help you with your issue of emotional try it today...and please do share your experience as it will be helpful for others too...Wish you a good luck..!!

  • Jenna M
    Jun 15, 2015, 9:18:45 AM

    I see a lot of beautiful scenic de trite agate pendants and rings you have listed. Just wondering do u ever get bracelet or necklace in this particular gemstone ?

  • Team Jewelexi
    Jun 16, 2015, 5:09:47 AM

    Greetings of the day !<br /><br />We greatly appreciate your interest in our products !!<br />Your trust in us is very much appreciated, and we sincerely acknowledge your faithfulness. <br /><br />It&rsquo;s our pleasure to have you as customer!!<br /><br />Would appreciate if you can please browse the below mentioned link for unmatched in quality and style. <br /><br />Visit e Bay for our classic, elegant and highly fashionable jewelry !!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />We look forward to many more years of mutually beneficial association!<br /><br />Sandra

  • Team Jewelexi
    Jun 16, 2015, 5:09:48 AM

    Greetings of the day !<br /><br />We greatly appreciate your interest in our products !!<br />Your trust in us is very much appreciated, and we sincerely acknowledge your faithfulness. <br /><br />It&rsquo;s our pleasure to have you as customer!!<br /><br />Would appreciate if you can please browse the below mentioned link for unmatched in quality and style. <br /><br />Visit e Bay for our classic, elegant and highly fashionable jewelry !!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />We look forward to many more years of mutually beneficial association!<br /><br />Sandra

  • bruno martin
    Aug 13, 2015, 4:16:02 AM

    i love Scenic Dendritic Agate stones and i have a good collection of it to wear. As my brother has a nervous system disease. is this stone would help him? please suggest.\n\n

  • omes
    Dec 11, 2015, 5:56:14 AM

    Hello bruno, i also love this stone. In fact its a great healer, i usually wear it and it heals all kinds of emotional problems.. I just love it :)\n\n

  • tim crook
    May 21, 2019, 10:02:08 PM

    I suggested this gemstone to my neighbor who has a problem of nervous disorder &amp; it really works in solving his problem.

  • siri
    Jun 26, 2019, 9:58:52 PM

    Very unique and beautiful gemstone!

  • carol
    Aug 13, 2019, 9:52:07 PM

    wow what an amazing stone!

  • Edward
    Sep 27, 2019, 11:14:35 PM

    This stone looks so awesome.

  • Evie
    Dec 5, 2019, 9:55:05 PM

    Sucha a beautiful stone scenic dendritic agate is. I fall in love with this beautiful gemstone.

  • David
    Jan 6, 2021, 5:16:17 AM

    This stone is a great healer for nervous system and circulation system, it helps in boosting our emotional healing powers. One who wants to heal emotional and spiritual powers should try this as it is a earth connected stone.

    Jan 6, 2021, 5:37:50 AM

    David, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us:)

  • lucy
    Jun 17, 2021, 11:08:44 AM

    I am absolutely in love with my Scenic Dendritic Agate stone! It is so beautiful, a perfect size, and the color effect gives it a little extra glare!

    Jun 18, 2021, 3:31:46 AM

    Hey Lucky, We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us regarding this beautiful stone.

  • Clara
    Nov 9, 2021, 11:47:56 AM

    Very pretty in person. Great price, fast shipping. I'm really happy with it. All my problems are solved by mail at [email protected].

    Nov 16, 2021, 5:59:05 AM

    Thank you for the kind words. We're delighted to hear that you had such a great experience. We will be happy to assist you again.

  • Mihir
    Jun 29, 2022, 9:10:10 AM

    My Scenic dendritic agate gemstone working properly that I ordered from Gemexi. I cann't believe that in online mode I get a real gemstone.

    Jul 2, 2022, 5:30:36 AM

    Thankyou Mihir for sharing your review with us. We are glad to know you liked our collection and yes, we offer genuine and natural gemstones. We would be happy to assist you again..:)

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