Best Way To Use Crystals In Your Everyday Routine

By Gemexi Team | Gemstone Healing
  • Updated On Dec 30, 2022
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Best Way To Use Crystals In Your Everyday Routine

Crystal healing is gaining popularity like wildfire. In modern times, people are turning towards gemstones for allowing wholesomeness in their lives. From Jade to Jasper - the world is in awe of healing crystals and how! With every passing day, new trends of incorporating crystal and its benefits in life are being discovered. But, little do we know about these multiple modern ways in which a gemstone can be used. So, it’s high time we move ahead of the same old ways of using crystals and start using them the smart, millennial way. Wondering what those are? Well, read this article and find out everything - from how to heal with crystals to where to put crystals on your body - in a jiffy!

But first, let’s quickly skim through some of the best healing crystals out there, shall we?

What are the top 5 healing crystals for health you must add to your daily routine?

Before you finally find out how to work with crystals, allow us to list some of the best crystals of all time for beginners:
  • Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is the symbol of “strength”. It’s a deep blue stone that offers protection from negativity. In fact, according to popular ancient belief, Lapis Lazuli is believed to harmonize emotions and help one sail through life!
  • Jade

Jade is a beautiful crystal that comes from China. It brings good fortunes and prosperity to one’s life. Not only does this lush-green stone foster self-love but also improves our skeletal system.

  • Aquamarine

Aquamarine, known for its marine blue hue, bestows clarity so you become as clear as water. It is known as a stone that provides resilience and banishes fears so that you flow seamlessly in the ocean of life.
  • Chrysocolla

Crystal lovers not only love Chrysocolla for its blue shade but also for the relief it fosters during skin irritations. Reducing fever, strengthening bones, fighting weakness - this crystal is a know-it-all!
  • Moonstones

A proud possessor of the lunar energy, Moonstone paves way for the mental well-being of an individual. This gem also keeps a check on the pituitary gland and passes calming energy to an individual, just like the moon.

5 simple ways you can include crystals in your life to make it more meaningful

If you have this fleeting question in your head that says “how to use crystals for healing”, read below to find your answer
  • Mindfulness

An unequaled way of embracing crystals in your life is through mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation. Just keep your crystal on your body while performing the meditation rituals and rejuvenate! Trust us, you can get things rolling on a spiritual level, simply by meditating with crystals like this.
  • Home Decor

How to use crystals while sprucing up your space? Simple - use it as a piece of decor! Be it your decking up your house altar, using it for Feng Shui, or just jacking up your empty shelf space - you can do it all through crystals. Get hold of a gemstone that appeals to you the most and that’s about it.
  • Skincare

Do you know what’s criminal? Not trading upon the benefits of crystals on your skin! Put your money into a crystal facial roller, or gemstone-infused moisturizer and just see how it miraculously makes your skin glow like a goddess.


Learn More: Top Best Healing Crystals for Pain Relief


  • Accessories

Honestly speaking, crystals are a girl’s best friend! Besides, it’s also preferred to keep gemstones as close to the body as possible to reap their benefits to the fullest. So go ahead, heal with a touch of style with your favorite gemstone jewelry.
  • Crystal essence

Using crystals like Amethyst or Kyanite for preparing essence is believed to bring forth emotional healing. All you need to do is to immerse the crystals in a bowl full of water and leave it under the sun/moonlight for a few hours. And that’s it - you’re all set to heal with one spray at a time!

Gemexi - your ultimate destination for healing crystals

Gemexi is your one-stop destination for exclusive Silver handmade gemstone jewelry. With over 250 different varieties of precious and semi-precious healing crystals and one-of-a-kind jewelry designs, Gemexi is all that you need to make your wardrobe happy. Not only this, at Gemexi, we also ensure.
  • 100% genuine products

At Gemexi, our silver goes through a rigid quality test before making it to the production process to help us ensure that every piece of silver jewelry that reaches you, is fully genuine and authentic.
  • Unique pieces 

At Gemexi, we house hundreds of varieties of premium sterling silver and handmade gemstone jewelry. From pendants, rings, earrings, necklaces - every piece of jewelry at Gemexi is “one of a kind”.
  • Unparalleled customer service

We, at Gemexi, are committed to bringing you the best - not only in terms of jewelry but also in the case of customer service. Our efficient and reliable after-sales service makes us one of the best wholesale silver jewelry dealers.


Learn More: How To Use Healing Crystals For Your Health

So if you’re on the lookout for healing crystals near me, visit Gemexi’s website and conclude your quest.

Gemstones are gorgeous and make for the most perfect jewelry. But who knew imbibing them in daily life came with more than just superficial aesthetic pleasure? So go ahead, shop your heart out. Trust us, you’ll be benefited anyway.

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  • Liyana
    Dec 17, 2022, 11:06:19 AM

    Lapis Lazuli protects the wearer from negativity. And it is a symbol of strength

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