Gemstone Jewelry For Weight (Reduction, Gain Or Stabilize)

Millions of people who are striving to lose weight are aware of how challenging it is to shed even a pound of body weight. They have restricted diet plans, followed by intense workout sessions to achieve their fitness goals. But, in order to do so, one needs to be consistent and motivated. A lot of people get frustrated during the process of losing weight. It takes a lot of determination to stay focused during your journey of weight loss. On the other hand, there are people who are trying really hard to gain weight. This may come to you as a surprise but therapeutic gemstones can effectively help one lose or gain weight. We have compiled a list of crystals that help in losing weight and a list of crystals that help in gaining weight.

Best Gemstones For Weight Loss

  1. Yellow Apatite

Yellow apatite gemstone has a compelling action to aid weight loss. This is in relation to its effect that boosts your metabolism. Its energy within the solar plexus also enhances your will power which can prove to be extremely helpful. It works wonders in boosting up your digestive system. Apart from this, it is also known to stimulate other organs in your body including the gall bladder, pancreas, liver and spleen. It boosts up your energy and has a wonderful detoxifying effect. It is believed that yellow apatite helps in releasing cellulite. 
  1. Picasso Marble

This magnificent crystal is known to help you during your weight loss journey for several reasons. Its vibrations help you in strengthening your self-control, thus it can be valuable to avoid over-eating. Wearing a piece of Picasso marble gemstone jewelry is helpful as the longer it stays within your aura, the better. The properties of this crystal helps in regulating your metabolism which can be really advantageous. 
  1. Iolite

Iolite is considered to be one of the best gemstones for weight loss because of its action to help you in releasing accumulated fatty deposits. It is believed that iolite gemstone energises and balances the metabolism.

Best Gemstones For Weight Gain

  1. Unakite

This crystal builds up harmony that enhances your capability to gain weight by balancing your hormones and energies within your body. It must be kept in mind that unakite gemstone stimulates weight gain only when it is necessary. The regulatory system of the body takes care of this; boosting weight for only those who need it. This gemstone works wonders for gaining weight by activating the third eye chakra, resulting in the complete rewiring of the brain and a commitment to a healthy weight. 
  1. Hematite

Hematite gemstone is very grounding. Its properties help in reducing sensitivity and stress. It assists in weight gain by appropriately slowing down the metabolism of the body. It is a perfect stone for those with anorexia as it heals the mental as well as the emotional agonies along with physical weight. It helps in restoring equilibrium and balance. Wearing hematite jewelry stimulates the root chakra and regulates the crown chakra that results in your mind and body working in unison to encourage weight gain.

Wrapping Up!

We believe that there are many other crystals apart from the ones that are mentioned above. With the help of this article, you will be able to make an informed decision before buying your crystals. Whether you are struggling to lose weight or stuffing yourself to gain a few pounds, we have got you covered. Browse through our collection to find the best gemstone jewelry for weight loss and weight gain. 
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