
Pyrite - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Often termed as the “Fool’s Gold”, Pyrite is a beautiful and useful mineral stone which exactly looks like an imitation of gold. Te gleaming beauty of this mineral hides in itself the power of protection and shield that safeguards the one who wears it against all negative and pessimistic energies.

Pyrite is an element of earth, and also reverberates to Fire energy. The fire and earth energy both symbolizes the wearer’s ability to generate prosperity and wealth by one’s power. It also connotes to lasting presence and warmth. Pyrite is considered to be masculine in power and nature; it is a stone of action, will and vitality. Pyrite is believed to bring confidence into the person that carries him through the phase of completing the tasks he took up.

Pyrite was extensively used in jewellery making in the ancient times, but now its popularity in jewellery making has slightly decreased.

Pyrite, other than being called as ‘Fool’s Gold”, is also known as iron Pyrite and “Cat’s Gold” in Germany. Pyrite once was extremely admired and high-prized by the native Indian tribes of America because it was believed to be a magical crystal for them. Pyrite was polished by them into mirrors for fortunetelling and gazing. Before the 18th century, Pyrite was used as a decorative stone for rings, jewellery boxes, shoe buckles, badges, etc. It was also very popular in England during the Victorian age.

Where is Pyrite found?

Pyrite is found in almost all the places around the world, but Peru is one of the most noteworthy and largest producers of Pyrite.

Healing Properties

The benefits that Pyrite encloses for its wearer’s are:

  • Physical Healer

Pyrite takes care of the overall health and well-being of the wearer. It draws all the universal energies of the universe and believes to activate the nourishing energies of the human’s body by it. Being a healing stone, it gives very fast results to the wearer. It is thought to bring out the actual reason for any ailment while examination, and is excellent in helping the person from getting rid of the psychosomatic disease.

Pyrite shields the body from environmental pollution as well as infectious diseases. It is useful in curing cold, influenza, cough, and other fungal and bacterial infections. It also treats skin diseases, lessens fever, reduces inflammation, and is an excellent stone for people who are related to medical fields and nursing.

This healing stone is also believed to be curative in treating lung diseases, bronchitis, asthma, DNA damage, blood disorders, etc.

  • Emotional Healer

Pyrite is a positive energy crystal, and is extremely popular for taking out the person from melancholy, disparity, and misfortune. It relieves the person from the feelings of frustration and anxiety, and acts as a mirror to shoe the person his true self. Pyrite is believed to reveal the causes of the emotional turmoil that the person is facing, and helps him in searching for apt solutions. It lets one to see the true thing behind pretence, actions and words.

The energy of Pyrite is empowering to the spirit, and encourages one to overcome fears and worries. It makes the person more dynamic and confident, and brings him out of his shell.

  • Spiritual Healer

Pyrite is an outstanding stone of expression and manifestation. It allows one to draw the energy of high-frequency into the physical body and to utilize it to take actions in creating wealth. This highly energized force also stimulates the creative flow of thoughts and ideas in the wearer’s mind.

  • Heals and Balances Chakra

Pyrite stimulates solar plexus and sacral chakras. The solar plexus chakra is the chakra of relationships and energy distribution. This chakra controls and treats the digestive and immune systems. When solar plexus chakra is in balance, it lets the person fight with the infections and allergic reactions. The imbalance of solar plexus chakra leads the person to disappointment, fear, and displeasure in everything. 

The second chakra that it stimulates is the sacral chakra, which directs the flow of energy and is believed to be the gravitational centre of the body. The imbalance of this chakra makes the person feels over-dependent on others, repression, frustration, fear, and sorrow. The golden energy of pyrite helps in balancing the sacral chakra to make the wearer more comfortable with others, and makes him feel happy and content in every situation.

Pyrite Facts

Some facts about Pyrite

  • Pyrite motivates and brings creativity in arithmetic, art, science, and architecture.
  • A piece of pyrite kept anywhere in any corner of home or office, brings quick energy and vitality.
  • The golden flecks of Lapis Lazuli are nothing but Pyrite.
  • Pyrite is called as the “Fool’s Gold” because in earlier times fraud minors used to sell it on the name of gold.
  • The only mineral whose property is similar to that of Pyrite is the Marcasite mineral. Marcasite is the dimorph of Pyrite.


Metaphysical Properties

Pyrite is an iron sulphide mineral mainly found in almost all around the world in diverse geological formations from sedimentary deposits to hydrothermal veins. It can also be found as a component of metamorphic rocks.

Pyrite has received its name from a Greek word called “Pyros”, which means fire. It is called so because when pieces of pyrite strikes together or against any solid surface, they emit spark.

On Moh’s scale, Pyrite has an average hardness of 6-6.5.

Types of Pyrite

  • Pyrite Ammonite

The pyrite ammonite is the naturally preserved fossilized shell by iron pyrite. When cut and polished, these ammonite pyrites looks like some small machinery parts. Ammonites are basically extinct group of marine animals.

  • Pyrite Druzy

Druzy are small particles of minerals that give a glittering effect to the precious and semi-precious stones. People use these druzy pyrite stones due to their durability and aesthetic beauty.

Pyrite In News

Pyrite Color

The color of pyrite is almost identical to gold usually pale brass-yellow in color with a metallic lustre. It is basically an opaque element and forms in stalactites, grains, masses, striated cubes, globes, or twelve-sided pentagonal crystals. Some of the crystals that are mind are also dark brown in color due to oxidation.

Pyrite Colors

  • CleavageNone
  • Other NamesIron pyrite, fool's gold
  • Crystal HabitCubic, faces may be striated, but also frequently octahedral and pyritohedron. Often inter-grown, massive, radiated, granular, globular, and stalactitic.
  • StreakGreenish To Brownish Black Streak
  • Refractive Indexa = 1.730; b = 1.758; y = 1.838
  • DiaphaneityOpaque
  • Mohs scale (hardness)6–6.5
  • SourcesIllinois and Missouri, USA; Peru; Germany; Russia; Spain; and South Africa among many others. Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Mojave, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai, and Yuma County.
  • Chemical formulaFeS2
  • LustreMetallic
  • ColorMetallic Yellow/Brassy
  • Chakra HealingSolar Plexus Chakra,Sacral chakra
  • BirthstoneNovember
  • Zodiacsagittarius
Write Comments
  • Mill
    Nov 7, 2014, 2:08:35 PM

    Pyrite is helpful in enhancing creativity. I am a writer, so I think I should go for it. Isn’t it? Suggest me please I also want some improvement in my writing skills.

  • Gemexi
    Nov 15, 2014, 5:35:39 PM

    Yeah Mill, Pyrite is quite popular as it enhances the creativity of the wearer in various fields so you may also go for it before this you might consult with your astrologer. He will suggest you an apt charm.

  • Jamy
    Nov 21, 2014, 4:46:43 PM

    I was looking for a best talisman for my office that may attract vitality and energy towards it. This gemstone will work for me as it is good in the same. Should I choose it for this? Suggest please.

  • Gemexi
    Apr 7, 2015, 4:34:23 AM you have read in our article is true..our content is always may move on...opt it for your find it beneficial...

  • Ricky
    Apr 17, 2015, 2:25:19 AM

    pyrite is good for treating bacterial infections and cures cough and flu...i was in search for a similar gemstone..should i go for it? please help me out..

  • Fritz
    May 1, 2015, 12:46:32 AM

    Pyrite is a good charm...i have tuned it since 1 year and found it apt and helpful for is beneficial for me in many are just facing an issue...of bacterial is good not only in treating disorders like this but also many should try it it is up-to your don't delay just go and get it today...

  • Gabriel
    Jun 28, 2015, 11:56:00 PM

    Pyrite protects the body from infectious diseases since I am 70 years old person. I want to try this gemstone for the same. Should I? Suggestions please..

  • elio jessen
    Aug 17, 2015, 5:14:14 AM

    hello! my mother needs Pyrite stone as she has asthma.she is taking medicines since 2 years but nothing is working. i am really sad about it. \ncan anybody please suggest me about this stone??

  • shaanvi
    Jul 21, 2019, 10:00:04 PM

    Absolutely Spectacular! \n

  • jacklin
    Nov 8, 2019, 10:09:06 PM

    This gemstone helps me alot in overcome of my fear and really i am so thankful to gemexi for this.

  • hamley
    Jan 5, 2020, 9:39:30 PM

    I like your collection of gemstones which always push my mood to shop more with you.

  • daina
    Jul 22, 2020, 5:06:00 AM

    I had to go through the pyrite healing properties and it seems to be beneficial for me.

  • Albert
    Dec 23, 2020, 9:53:38 AM

    informative page, Being reader of gemstones i loved your page so much! Great work !

    Dec 23, 2020, 12:07:37 PM

    We appreciate you taking the time to send us this helpful response.

  • Debra
    Jun 21, 2021, 11:10:15 AM

    This is an extraordinary experience for me to buy a gemstone. You did very well on taking care of a customer and handling the shipment as well. I was so excited when I received my Pyrite Pendant.

    Jun 22, 2021, 11:23:58 AM

    Hey Debra, Thank you so much for your kind words. We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us. We count ourselves lucky for customers like you.

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