
Bronzite - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Belonging to the Pyroxene group of minerals, Bronzite is a beautiful brown opaque stone, which is speckled with tiny streaks of golden pyrite, which adds more charm and elegance to this stone. Bronzite is basically an iron-bearing variety of enstatite, which displays a submetallic lustre like that of Bronze on the cleavage surface.

Known to be effective for sacral and root chakra, Bronzite is a great stone in yielding high energy that is very important for human beings in today’s fast paced life.

Where is Bronzite found?

In the present times, Bronzite is found in areas of the Austria, USA, Norway, England, Labrador, India, South Africa, and Greenland.

Healing Properties

Bronzite is considered effective largely in balancing the alkaline and acid level in the body. Other benefits that are related with Bronzite are:

  • Increases self-esteem in a human being, and boosts self-confidence. 
  • This stone is beneficial in making plans for future, and implementing them correctly.
  • It is believed to be extremely effective towards ill wishes and curses.
  • Mystically, Bronzite supports a person in attaining a state of conviction without defiance, letting him/her to easily acclimatise to the best path to take for a better life.
  • Bronzite can also help in bringing the body towards acidic condition helping in fighting off the infection.

Bronzite Facts

Some facts about Bronzite

  • The most popular forms of Bronzite beads are coins, tubes, rectangle, oval, and teardrop.
  • Bronzite belongs to the family of orthopyroxene group of minerals, which are generally fond of metamorphic and igneous rocks.
  • In medieval times, Romans used Bronzite silver jewelry as protection against confusion and mental illness, and as an effective treatment to fortify the nerves.

Metaphysical Properties

Bronzite is considered to be a stone of service, facilitating person in recognising the value of assistance. It helps in resolving the issues with decision-making and maintains certainty.

On Moh’s scale of hardness, Bronzite weighs in between 5 to 6.

Bronzite Color

Bronzite is an incredible stone that comes in various colors, like black, brown, yellowish-brown, greenish-brown, dark yellow, green, etc.

Bronzite Colors

  • CleavageGood, in one direction
  • Other Names
  • Crystal HabitPrismatic crystals, commonly lamellar, fibrous, or massive
  • StreakWhite Or Brownish
  • Refractive Index1.665-1.703
  • DiaphaneityTransparent - Opaque
  • Mohs scale (hardness)5-6
  • SourcesAustria, USA, Norway, England, Labrador, India, South Africa, and Greenland.
  • Chemical formula(Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
  • LustreVitreous
  • ColorGolden Brown, Brown To Black, Green, Colorless, Gray, Yellow
  • Chakra HealingRoot or base chakra,Sacral chakra
  • BirthstoneJuly
  • Zodiacaries
Write Comments
  • Winnie
    Nov 6, 2014, 3:26:13 PM

    Bronzite is an excellent stone for enhancing the self-confidence. My child is also facing lack in his confidence. Should I choose this talisman for him? Suggest.

  • Gemexi
    Nov 19, 2014, 3:58:19 PM

    Yeah Winnie you may opt for this talisman it is quite effective in this case. But you should be sure that his/her Zodiac is Leo as it is suitable for the same Zodiac. You may ask your astrologer also he will advice you very aptly.

  • Ezra
    Nov 27, 2014, 12:26:00 AM

    Bronzite is the best talisman that protects the person from the mental illness and the confusion as it proves to be elective treatment for strengthening the nerves. I was looking for the similar gemstone with these kinds of features. I want to but it for mu uncle as I think he needs it much according to their requirements. Should I go for it? Please suggest.

  • Gemexi
    Jan 13, 2015, 1:44:27 AM

    Yeah, if you find this gemstone suitable for your needs then ask for recommendation from your astrologer and then go for it.

  • Ami
    Apr 7, 2015, 4:42:03 AM

    this is my astrologer has also recommended me to tune it...but i am confused about the shade..which one should i try..suggest please..

  • rabeka
    Jun 18, 2019, 12:38:16 AM

    Bronzite is suitable for which zodiac sign??

  • Willie
    Aug 8, 2019, 10:43:40 PM

    Nice gems!!

  • jessica
    Sep 26, 2019, 10:14:03 PM

    The facts and figures of this stone are so much interesting

  • joven
    Nov 21, 2019, 9:49:16 PM

    I really like and appreciate your designs and your articles,It's very interesting and useful!

  • miky
    Jan 19, 2020, 9:51:37 PM

    I have several types of stone but I never purchase bronzite stone. You have a nice collection.

  • kaira
    Jun 22, 2020, 6:46:30 AM

    Do you still have crystal jewelry?? I really want to buy it from you guys.

  • kizzie
    Jul 31, 2020, 4:43:13 AM

    You have written interesting facts on your page. I enjoy reading it.

  • Jack
    Nov 19, 2020, 5:23:07 AM

    Being a sales person this stone is helping me in self esteem and confidence buildup. Thank you Gemexi.

  • Tao
    Jan 20, 2022, 7:21:39 AM

    I read this blog, so informative and right.

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