Australian Pilbara

Australian Pilbara - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Australian Pilbara is like a Picasso painting and is a unique jasper with its wide splashes of black, grey and sporadic red has a nonfigurative, avant-garde look. Found in Australia, it is as mesmerizing as a painting that demands an individual’s attention. With the boldness of black, it is believed to bring strength and self-discipline. It plays a part to fascinate the individual to try its power once. The exciting colors of this wholesome stone along with the energy of the red swept all people together. The passive  quietness of grey brings the feelings of peace and entirety during the time of stress. Being an extremely nurturing stone, it is said to help one to remind that it is never too late to enjoy the beautiful life and celebrate each moment ‘live a little’. Known as sustaining and supporting, it is simultaneously a sizzling stone to carry along. The natural patterns and strong colors of this stone promote creativity furthermore calm down the difficult situations. It encourages the wearing individual to relax and enjoy life also smooth the progress of dream recall with a protective shield around. The sterling beads of this charismatic stone brings in old friendships back, attract like-minded people and most importantly it brings a change in relationships for the better. By working with multiple colors, it tends to erase artistic block as well the energy colors of this stone activate the corresponding chakras. The unique artistry of it has strong designs that look like modern art. With a primitive style, it is solid, warm and earthy in the form it is too believed that the harmonious energy of it will resonate with the primal self.

Known to be a unique masterpiece of the creator, it is with slow and constant frequency is an elemental earth stone which is aligned in the midst of electromagnetic energies of the planet. Its touch will enable one to be present more in the conscious nature together with a physical body. Alleged to allow the wearer to celebrate the moments of isolation, it is held to enkindle awareness of the spiritual connection by absorbing, reflecting, and connecting with the radiating energies. Its presence balances the aura; provide comfort, security and strength to the wearer.

With the drawing energies of the subtle hues, it is dense and opaque. By fulfilling artistic enterprises, its fibrous designs carved on microcrystalline Quartz as it is a variety of the same. It gains its mysterious stunning colors from the oxides of the iron. Because of its earthy tones it is a supreme nurturer. Historically, it was considered sacred for its healing and strengthening properties as well as it also protects the spiritual realm. As an amulet, it is considered a best source for a safe afterlife passage.

Where is Australian Pilbara found?

It is commonly found in Australia, so as it is named as Australian Pilbara. The other localities where it can be traced are Brazil, China along with India.

Healing Properties

Australian Pilbara is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transforms negative energies. It is frequently used for balancing the subtle bodies and aligning the Chakras. This crystal is an outstanding help for those trying to bring practicality into their spirit, but not boredom. It too promotes vitality and diligence, and can heighten the liveliness when one is running particularly low. By playing with multiple colors it activates the corresponding Chakras of the wearer and let him know the unifying effect offered by this talismanic stone.

Physical Healing : Australian Pilbara, when tuned or carried along, will alleviate the wearers stress, infuse me and cleanse the whole body from negativity worn all over. It is well known for its soothing qualities as it soothes the nerves and bring in one’s focus back in the work. It strongly works to heal the injury and drawn out illness. The earth connection in addition to the drawing energies it provides renewed vitality, mitigate the nightmares or detrimental thoughts. It is credence for tissue deterioration of the internal organs which are harmed by smoking and consuming toxic liquor. It is useful to treat stomach, liver and kidneys. It too balances the mineral content of the body along with spleen in addition to the bladder, digestive system disorders. It very carefully staunch the blood flow from the nose. Traditionally, it is also used to reduce haemorrhoids, pacify epilepsy, gout, as well as treat the sensory loss of smell. Known as an excellent diet stone it aids weight loss over and above boost the physical energy levels. Tend to strengthen self-discipline, its sturdy vibration helps to avoid insignificant thoughts and encourage diligence beliefs.

Emotional Healing : Strengthening emotional body its energies are supposed to ease stress moreover Australian Pilbara has a propensity to produce a calm stability. By creating the special aura it generates the pleasurable sensation. It too invites the feeling of compassion, generosity and patience for the companions. It specifically used to reduce insecurity of loosing job, family, relationships etc… it to boot meagreness and guilts. It helps to break the emotional futile so called self-defeating phase furthermore replaces it with a sense of contentment. The sensitive vibrations of this pleased the mind of the individual and irradiate the restlessness from the torso. It is alleged to be of a nature to provide generosity, audacity, and determination in all trackings. As a stone of truth, it helps to overcome from the domestic violence, confusions as well as help to be honest with oneself. Being a stone of empowerment, it too inspires moving forward boldly and acts as an aide memoire to work amicably with others. Re-activating the passion to live again, it rally round the wearer to overcome the emotional stress or broken heart. It assists the wearer to identify one’s personal ideas and beliefs about sexual expression or orientation.

Spiritual Healing : The high vibration energies of Australian Pilbara along with the power of varied color help to elevate the consciousness of the wearer. Known for its profound protective quality, it also assists the wearer to accept the changes of life and transmutes negative energies. As a nurturing stone it is often used to align the chakras by balancing the restrained bodies. It promotes vitality if the holder of the stone is feeling low with energy and emotions as it dissolves creative blocks and guide to find the right path when undergoing a change in relationships.

Meditating with Australian Pilbara at the time of transformation or at the time of changes in one’s life it is believed to proffer stability.

Heals and Balances Chakra : Australian Pilbara is connected to the Mother Earth, so believed to alleviate the energies of the physical bodies. It is ought to be an ally of all chakras by activating them, it clean, boost as well as poise the yin and yang energies of the aligned chakras. Side with the emotional and mental bodies it set the scale for etheric realm, kinaesthetic feeling as well as movement. It is known as foundation stone of physical and spiritual energy for the body. Often leads to independence, Australian Pilbara rekindle the sense of one’s own power. It takes the soul into carnation and creates a firm link to the globe Earth, consent to excess and out-of-balance exuberance to flow from the torso.  Putting it over each chakra in turn, will aid to cleanse, boost and realign the chakras in addition to the aura as well as lining up the substantial physical, poignant and psychological bodies with the etheric monarchy. It too balances the masculine and feminine energies because of its diverse assortment of colors, it is far-fetched for use in body layouts, and individual colors should be set appropriately for specific chakra healing. 

Australian Pilbara Facts

Some facts about Australian Pilbara

  • Stone to activate all chakras, it tends to possess the energies of Inner Vision, supremacy and adorable Love.
  • Australian Pilbara is also known as Picasso stone is a metamorphic limestone, which is geologically formed deep in the ground.
  • It is made in one of the three ways metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary and geologically its essential nature altered by high temperature and pressing.
  • It is geologically proved that each time when it goes through  the metamorphosis, new factors are added to its authorship.
  • Only those views of the gemstone which are impermeable to pressure and heat are preserved.
  • People believe that the rules of this Picasso stone are especially outstanding and these strikings can most easily assist in transformation in the area of relationships.
  • Specifically, it is alleged to attract like minded people who become firm and committed allies. It can as well serve to renew old friendships that have been missed.
  • Known to benefit the wearer feeling artistic block by having his eyes go through its Picasso patterns.


Metaphysical Properties

  • The alternate name of this Transformation stone is Picasso Stone.
  • It has strong grounding qualities and is repeatedly used for healing anxiety and stress.
  • The calming stone for its intrinsic worth, it assists in self-discipline, development of creativity in addition to engendering strength.
  • Known to be a complete atlas of transformation this stone with beautiful abstract patterns and with a broad spectrum of colors has many a times related to the chrysanthemum (a plant of the Disney family).
  • With a Specific Gravity of around 2.58-2.91 it is also called Picasso marble.
  • The various shades of gray, cream, brown and black habitually form the patterns of abstract landscapes as the stone carving.
  • Geologically, this metamorphic stone from deep in the land and its substantive nature is changed by high temperature and pressing.
  • Help to remember to enjoy the journey it is worth full stone.

l aid to cleanse, boost and realign the chakras in addition to the aura as well as lining up the substantial physical, poignant and psychological bodies with the etheric monarchy. It too balances the masculine and feminine energies because of its diverse assortment of colors, it is far-fetched for use in body layouts, and individual colors should be set appropriately for specific chakra healing. 


Australian Pilbara In News

Australian Pilbara Color

Believed to put the wearer on the high heels, it is basically found in various shades of grey, black cream and red. It gives a wake-up call to those who forget the real meaning of life as well as enjoy the life.

Australian Pilbara Colors

  • Cleavage
  • Other NamesPicasso stone
  • Crystal HabitPrismatic crystals with striations; massive to columnar
  • StreakWhite
  • Refractive Index1.54 approx.
  • DiaphaneityTranslucent to opaque
  • Mohs scale (hardness)6.5 - 7
  • SourcesAustralia, Brazil, China, India
  • Chemical formulaSiO2
  • LustreVitreous to greasy
  • ColorGrey or black with streaks of grey, black and red.
  • Chakra HealingRoot or base chakra,Solar Plexus Chakra,Sacral chakra,Third Eye Chakra,Throat Chakra,Heart chakra,Crown Chakra
  • BirthstoneDecember
  • Zodiacvirgo
Write Comments
  • Fima
    Apr 6, 2015, 12:54:37 AM

    i haven't heard about this talisman before..actually i was aware of its existence but was in search of its details..thanks for sharing such a helpful article..

  • Alexa
    May 9, 2015, 2:32:27 AM

    Australian Pilbara is used for meditation purpose as it stabilizes the mind of the wearer. I want to try this gemstone.

  • Denial
    Jun 8, 2015, 12:38:32 AM

    hey Alexa, you may try Australian Pilbara gemstone but before that you should seek an advice from your astrologer as the gemstone should be worn after taking an advise from any expert.

  • Alexa
    Jun 25, 2015, 11:08:44 PM

    Thanks all for suggesting me such an easy and free way of getting solution to my queries related to Australian Pilbara. I will check this out and will share my experience with you all.

  • Bruno
    Jul 11, 2015, 3:12:39 AM

    After I wore the Australian Pilbara gemstone I noticed that this talisman alleviates the stress and cleanse the whole body from the negativity that was worn.

  • leif
    Sep 15, 2015, 3:57:22 AM

    i really like this stone... please suggest me should i buy it??

  • Bliss
    Sep 28, 2015, 5:43:29 AM

    Hello! leif.. Australian Pilbara is a beautiful stone with multiple healing properties..i personally suggest you this boosts up your energy and brings happiness,peace in life...

  • Adeen
    Oct 5, 2015, 5:42:32 AM

    Hey bliss.. can you please help me in knowing that is this gemstone is useful in treating stomach and liver disorders?.. I'm 50 and i need some good healing stone for physical relief.. So please suggest something?

  • eddie samuel
    May 21, 2019, 10:27:27 PM

    After wearing this gemstone it really helps me to activate the chakras. I recommend everyone who has very much interested in meditation.

  • celly
    Jun 28, 2019, 12:47:20 AM

    Is this stone helps in losing weight?

  • Anne
    Aug 19, 2019, 12:10:30 AM

    this stone helps me so much in losing my weight..Thanks a lot

    Sep 29, 2019, 10:40:33 PM

    Nice healing stone!!

  • Jack Kallis
    Dec 8, 2019, 10:06:38 PM

    Australian Pilbara is such a pretty and creative looking stone, I love the texture of it and i love to buy this from you soon.

  • Avery
    Jan 7, 2021, 12:24:48 PM

    I was too disturbed because of some problems but after wearing this stone I am feeling relaxed it helped me in soothing the issues of negativity and stress. Thank you for your beautiful jewelry.

    Jan 8, 2021, 5:10:47 AM

    Avery, thank you for your kind words:) Gemexi wishes you good health.

  • Aly
    Jun 2, 2021, 9:03:29 AM

    I love their jewelry: great prices, genuine sterling silver, and very lovely stones. The descriptions of the jewelry are very accurate. I have bought many items and will continue to do so.

    Jun 2, 2021, 10:08:23 AM

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Ali. We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us. We count ourselves lucky for customers like you.

  • Devin Mathew
    Nov 26, 2021, 11:07:54 AM

    Australian Pilbara is such an amazing stone that contains magical healing properties. That's why I bought this stone from Gemexi, and they are so beautiful. I liked your stone so much.

    Dec 1, 2021, 4:26:22 AM

    Thank you so much Devin for loving our jewelry & for the kind words. We will be happy to assist you again.

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